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event management

graphic Design





Other projects

Entrepreneurship Class Project: Find and solve a business problem. My team pitched an idea for an airline ticket company that consolidates payments over months and weeks. Targeting millennials, the purpose was to encourage world travel to recent graduates and young adults via a simplified and out-of-mind payment process. Main contributions: Creation of powerpoint slides, creation of all graphics used, and idea generation.

Advertising & Promotion Class Project: Rebrand an existing local non-profit business. Conduct primary research on flyers and promotional images via a survey, and create online pages to promote and showcase the business. I created the flyer used in the final project which received 64.3% highest attractiveness and 50% stated they were likely to pick up the flyer. Main contributions: Creation of powerpoint slides, logo and all promotional material used with exception of social media.

Consumer Research Class Project: Create a product that solves a current business problem. My team pitched an idea for a dog food company that targets young adults who value their dog as family and feed their pets top grade dog food or cook for their dog. The purpose was to provide economic value while delivering a high-quality product with minimal consumer processing. Main contributions: Creation of logo and advertisements used, secondary research.

Strategic Management Class Project: Group was assigned a case study from 2014 on Tim Horton's to analyze and update for 2018. Challenges included finding sources dating back 4 years and the inactivity of the Tim Horton's brand due to its sale to Restaurant Brands Inc. My group was voted best project in the class and received bonus points. Main contributions: Creation of powerpoint slides, demographics, industry analysis, and competitive analysis.

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